California has six million people over the age of 65. This number is expected to increase to more than nine million by 2030.
There are approximately 1,230 licensed nursing facilities in California. These facilities care for 400,000 Californians each year.
Two-thirds of California's nursing home residents rely on Medi-Cal to pay for their care in a nursing facility.
In 2018, the average reported cost per patient day for a skilled nursing facility was approximately $275 or ($100,375 annually).
The average Medi-Cal reimbursement rate is $219 per day.
The length of stay in today's nursing facility is less than three months for 84 percent of the resident population; fewer than 6 percent of all residents remain in the facility for one year or more.
Nearly half of all residents have dementia and one third have diagnosed psychiatric conditions.
Fifty eight percent of long-term care residents are women.
On average, nursing facility residents require some level of assistance with three or more of the activities of daily living, which include bathing, dressing, transferring, toileting and eating.
Approximately 79 percent of long-term care residents in California are age 65 or older.
There are approximately 8,100 assisted living/residential care facilities in California.
Assisted living residents need help with an average of 1.6 activities of daily living.
Medi-Cal does not pay for assisted living. About 90 percent of assisted living services are paid for with private funds.
Intermediate-care facilities (ICFs)
In addition to room and board, these facilities provide regular medical, nursing, social and rehabilitative services for people not capable of full independent living.
Intermediate-care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICFs/DD)
Known in California as intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICFs/DD), intermediate care facilities for the intellectually disabled - habilitative (ICFs/DD-H) and intermediate care facilities for the intellectually disabled - nursing (ICFs/DD-N).
At the federal level these facilities are known as intermediate care facilities for the intellectually disabled (ICFs/IID).
By the Numbers - in California
15 ICFs
16 ICFs-DD
737 ICFs-DD-H
428 ICFs-DD-N
Almost 100 percent of clients who reside in homes for the developmentally disabled rely on Medi-Cal to pay for their care.